Open Source RPG

(I need a Logo)

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Open RPG
· RPG Engine
3D Game Programming
· 3D Engine
3D Modelling
· CSG Based
· L-Systems
· Other

Space for this project was donated by the good people at Source Forge

I need a name! And a story! Suggestions welcome.

The long term of this project is to create an Open Source 3D Role Playing Game.

This is without a doubt quite a challenging project, and one cannot help but notice, that while there is quite a few open source projects, there isn't many open source gaming projects, and there's even less open source gaming projects, which have something to show. It is my opinion, that this is due to the very diverse nature of resources required for game programming. A game does not need merely a good engine, it also has to have splendid 3d models with great textures and life like animation. The sad truth is, that while all the tools needed to create an engine are available as open source, it isn't the same for the models, textures and animation.

I have created this project not only to make a great 3D RPG, but also to gather all the information about the tools needed for this job. I have no doubt that there is quite a few tools already created and available on the web, but there are still some holes and I intend to fill these holes.

One thing I've learned looking at successfull past open source projects. User friendliness/GUI is not the way to go. Therefore my creations are likely reflect this idea and I expect my tools to be mostly command line based, with all the magic done in some sophisticated file format.